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STAR Wellness Program

STAR (Survey, Talk, Acknowledge, Review) Wellness is a program that allows our district to proactively support students in building skills to prevent youth mental health crises and substance use.

A logo with the words STAR Wellness and a star icon with a check mark inside

Tahoma School District (TSD) works in partnership with King County Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) to conduct a survey and intervention system at the middle and high school levels, using the School-Based SBIRT Framework: "Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral To". This could be referral to services, clubs, adult support, or anything the student may need. The program’s name changed to from SBIRT to STAR Wellness (Survey, Talk, Acknowledge, Review) in 2023.

Funding for the program is provided through King County’s Best Starts for Kids (BSK) initiative, with additional funding from local levy dollars.

About the Program

STAR Wellness (Survey, Talk, Acknowledge, Review) is a program designed for students and their families to promote healthy mental health habits and connect students to activities, supports, goal setting, or whatever is needed for the student’s success.

Survey (S):

Tahoma will use a screening tool called “Check Yourself” developed by Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University of Washington through an organization called Tickit Health. The screening is administered electronically and takes 10-15 minutes to complete. Questions cover three areas, including: about me, health, and stress/coping strategies. The survey is designed to determine whether a student may or may not need additional support. Every student will receive personalized feedback from the screening tool. Students may speak with our Student Wellness Advocate or School Counselor to participate in the brief intervention.

Talk/Acknowledge (TA):

The brief intervention is designed to be a few short meetings to discuss the students' answers on the survey. Our STAR Wellness team has been trained in motivational interviewing principles designed to elevate awareness of potential areas for growth and change. We will discuss the student’s goals and what impacts the student’s ability to reach those goals. Parents/caregivers may be asked to join a brief intervention discussion.

Review (R):

If, after a meeting with a student, there is a need for a referral of additional services, the STAR Wellness Advocate will collaborate with the student/family and support team to decide upon the best referral plan. Services can include extra-curricular activities, mentorship programs, counseling, tutoring services, etc. Parents/caregivers will be notified as soon as possible if the survey indicates high levels of risk and additional services are immediately needed. 

Frequently Asked Questions

STAR Wellness Contacts

Liz Thibert
District Wellness Coordinator

Maple View Middle School

Hillary Nadell
Student Wellness Advocate

Summit Trail Middle School

Nichole Thomaselli
Student Wellness Advocate

Tahoma High School

Gwendolyn Huete
Student Wellness Advocate

Miranda Haag
Student Wellness Advocate

Webinar Recordings

Parent Resources