Health Services & Wellness
Tahoma School District is committed to supporting children in their physical, mental, and emotional wellness. Every school in our district has at least one full-time nurse and at least one full-time counselor. We ensure that students have access to highly-qualified, caring adults who can provide immediate support or help students and their families find out-of-district resources that meet their needs.
Nursing & Health Services
Tahoma's licensed nurses provide critical in-school care to all students, including those with life-threatening and medically fragile conditions, to ensure that all students are healthy, safe and prepared to learn. Our nurses also bring professional expertise to our school administration teams to support the health and safety of every person in our schools.
Mental Health & Wellness
Student mental health is a priority for Tahoma School District. As part of their support for our schools, our highly-qualified counselors provide social-emotional support for students and families. In many instances, our counselors connect students and their families to helpful community resources, including professional counseling, addiction and prevention resources, and food and housing security.
The district wellness team also coordinates community wellness events for parents and caregivers to learn more about how to support their student's needs.
Contact Information
Nursing & Health Services
Jennifer Lyons
Nursing Coordinator
(425) 413-3488
Nursing & Health Services Page
Mental Health & Wellness
Liz Thibert
District Wellness Coordinator
(425) 413-3400