Policies & Procedures
Extended Enrichment Agreements
Below are the Agreements that parents and guardians agreed to when registering for the Extended Enrichment Programs:
- I understand that a non-refundable $50 registration fee per child or $60 registration fee per family is required to reserve a space in the program.
- I understand that invoices will be emailed by the 15th of the previous month and payments will be due the first of the month.
- I understand that a late fee of $50 will be assessed on unpaid balances on the sixth day of that month. If the balance remains unpaid by the 15th of the following month, your student will be removed from the EEP program. Once your balance is settled, your child will be eligible to rejoin the program when there is available space.
- I understand that families will be allowed two free schedule changes during the regular school year. Changing back to an original schedule will count as a change. The fee for additional schedule changes will be $25 per occurrence. There will not be a limit on the number of changes requested. All changes must be made with a 2 week notice.
- I understand that the program opens at 6 am and closes at 6:30 pm. The late student pick-up fee will be $3 a minute.
- I understand that I will not be reimbursed for absences or vacations.
- I understand that checks and/or automatic payments received with non-sufficient funds will be assessed a $35 fee.
- I understand that if the parent/guardian or authorized emergency contact cannot be reached at the time of an emergency, and if immediate observation or treatment is urgent in the judgement of school authorities, I authorize and direct the school authorities to send the student (properly accompanied) to the nearest hospital or doctor. It is understood that I will assume full responsibility for the payment of services rendered.
- I understand that the Extended Enrichment Program does not get involved in parenting plans or financial agreements between parents. By selecting yes, I understand that I am the sole person responsible for all tuition payments in full.
Contact Information
Erica Wegner
EEP Administrative Assistant
(425) 413-3407