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All transportation updates, including delayed bus routes and snow route announcements, will come through ParentSquare.

Bus routes can be found by typing your student's home address into VersaTrans E-Link. Please see the instructions below for using E-Link.

Using VersaTrans E-Link

  1. Navigate to the VersaTrans E-Link website.
  2. Select your student's grade level
    Please Note: P0-P4, PA, PP refer to preschool; however, do not select these codes. Preschool families will be contacted by staff with bus information. "K2" is kindergarten; "01" through "12" refer to the corresponding grade;  "9" and "99" are staff codes, not for parent use.
  3. Enter the student's home address, including house number, street and ZIP code in the boxes as marked.
  4. Click the "Find School/Transportation Info" button**
  5. E-LINK will display your student's school, bus number, nearest stop, and pick-up and drop-off times. Please note that pick-up and drop-off times may change during the school year.

NOTE: If you see "The home address could not be automatically located on the map" in red text at the top of the page and "Home street not found – closest matches," followed by a pull-down menu in the middle of the page, locate your exact street on the pull-down menu, then click on the blue "Use Selected Match" link. Then, click the Find School/Transportation info button again.

Early release Fridays:

E-LINK does not provide separate transportation schedules for Friday early release school schedules. All schools release 90 minutes early on Fridays listed on the calendar, so after finding your child's Monday–Thursday drop-off time, subtract 90 minutes to find the Friday early release time.

To view maps of school attendance areas, please visit the Interactive Boundary Map.

Contact Information

Transportation Department
22050 220th Ave. SE
Maple Valley, WA 98038
(425) 413-3220