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Teaching & Learning

The Teaching & Learning (T&L) Department is responsible for ensuring that all Tahoma School District students are accessing curriculum and learning experiences that support their growth, achievement, and acquisition of the Future Ready Skills. T&L oversees curriculum adoption, and the department supports teachers and administrators in implementing materials that meet state standards and provide equitable learning opportunities.

A Teacher Instruct Students Engaging in a Science Experiment


Teaching & Learning (T&L) oversees the adoption and implementation of curriculum at all grade levels. T&L ensures that all curriculum is research-based and aligns with Washington State standards and professionally recognized best practices. The department also leads assessment strategies and data analysis to measure student progress and guide teachers and administrators in the continuous improvement of their educational practices.

Curriculum Adoption


T&L leads the administration of annual state testing (Smarter Balanced Assessment, also called SBA) in addition to ongoing assessments of student growth and achievement. Tahoma School District believes that fully assessing a student's learning demands a comprehensive set of data and experiences that goes beyond once-a-year exams. T&L supports our teachers in administering assessments which, when paired with SBA results, can sometimes determine class placement and identify supports needed to best support each student.

Future Ready Skills

In Tahoma, we are committed to our graduates leaving us with the knowledge, skills, and ability to succeed in the next steps of their lives. Our strong academic program is just one component in ensuring all students have what they need to create an individual, viable, and valued path to lifelong personal success.

Future Ready Skills Logo

The district's nine Future Ready Skills address the skills and dispositions that are essential to success yet aren't typically found in traditional curriculum. These skills provide teachers and students with an important focus beyond academic curriculum and content. Teachers in our district, in addition to formally and informally teaching and incorporating these skills, provide regular opportunities for students to practice and reflect upon their growth in these skill areas.

Learn more about each of the Future Ready Skills: