School Board
Meet Tahoma's School Board Directors
What is the Role of the School Board?
The Tahoma School Board is comprised of five elected members who each live within a respective region of the Tahoma School District boundary. The board is responsible for:
- Setting the district vision and strategic goals
- Adopting and monitoring the district operating budget
- Reviewing, revising and adopting district policies
- Hiring and evaluating the district superintendent
Individual school board directors do not hold the power to make any decisions for the district. Only as a quorum (a majority) can the board vote to make decisions that are within the responsibilities of the board and compliant with local, state and federal laws.
The superintendent is the the school board's only employee. The school board approves all hires, however, the school board does not supervise, evaluate or direct the work of any other district personnel.
Upcoming Meetings
Contact Information
School Board (all directors and superintendent)
Jennifer McMaster
Position 1 (President)
Pete Miller
Position 4 (Vice President)
Ric Lewis
Position 3
Matt Carreon
Position 5
Position 2
Ginger Callison, Ed.D.
Tamara Wheeler
Exec. Asst, Superintendent & School Board