we believe that students who attend school regularly have greater success in
school and in life.
Every day counts! Being at school is important; and whether excused or unexcused, the number of days your student misses can greatly impact their academic success. Families should strive for regular attendance, which means averaging less than two absences per month. An absence is defined as missing 50% or more of the scheduled day. Attendance is taken daily at each of our schools.
Did you know?
- Starting in kindergarten, regular attendance sets the stage for academic achievement and social growth.
- Missing 10% of the school year (or about 18 days) can make it harder for students to keep up with their peers in reading and math.
- Even a day or two of missed school every few weeks can add up and create challenges over time.
- By 6th grade, regular attendance becomes one of the key indicators of future high school success.
- By 9th grade, strong attendance habits are a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores.
Student Absences
Attendance Definitions
To Report a Student Absence:
Please call your school's attendance line, or email your school's registrar/attendance office.
To find this information, go to your school's website, click the 'About' tab along the top and you'll find the information in the Contact Information.
Keep in Mind...
- Always use the student's full name as it appears in Skyward when contacting the Attendance Office.
- All tardies and absences must be excused within one week.
- Voicemails and emails will not receive a reply due to the size of the school. Thank you for understanding.